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from the hospital: abbey’s birth (8)


The nurse just came and checked Beth – congrats, we are at 7 centimeters!

Only three more to go until we start pushing.

Once the pushing starts, it will probably be around 2 hours until Abbey makes the big appearance (I am getting butterflies just typing about it).

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I took a video to explain why the nurse said, to Beth, “you’re a real woman!”

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She was also really impressed by the length of Beth’s contractions.

They peak for around 1.5-2.5 minutes – sometimes as long as 3 minutes.

This is yet another reason why the comparison between Beth’s uterus and an edamame pod squeezing out a soy bean is shockingly accurate.

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Note: these recent posts would not be possible without the invention of the modern epidural – but once the pushing starts you will just have to watch old videos and scroll through past rewilsons posts until the pushing stops and the parenting begins!

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  1. willlovesvanessa
    February 19, 2009 at 4:17 am

    I love this play by play stuff- most people are probably sleeping, but since I am in England- this is perfect timing and I will be stalking your blog today. See you in two hours Abbey!

  2. Nathan
    February 19, 2009 at 4:29 am

    I’m sitting on the edge of my seat in Asia! If Union ever falls through man, you should definitely look into journalism, ha! I’m so glad things are going great. I’m excited for you guys. I must confess…I’m also on the edge of my seat waiting for a video of when Beth has to deal with Abbey’s weird baby belly button! Do we get some of that video action??

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